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+91 9980567777
+91 9381781394

Advanced visibility for guests and owners who want to scale high performance across their PG.

If you prefer to pay annually, just contact us and we’ll be happy to help and provide discounts upto INR 10000.
  • Online & Offline Access
  • Secure Cloud Hosting
  • 24/7 Support
  • PG's All in One Bundle
  • Easy Guest Managment
  • Best Reporting System
  • Mobile app
  • Prazo manager
  • Desktop App
  • Payment platform

All of our products are ready to go, easy to use and offer great value to any kind of PG.

Strencom testimonial with

Once you realize the savings it delivers, using Prazo is a no-brainer. It provides transparency, clarity, and accountability.

Frequently asked questions

Of course! No matter which Prazo product you’re using, you can cancel, upgrade, or downgrade at any time.
Our monthly subscriptions can be paid by credit card, NEFT,RTGS and we accept Visa, MasterCard, or Maestro. If your organization is unable to pay online, please contact us at to arrange an alternative payment method.
We'll send you an email before your due date. And if you decide not to continue using our products, no problem — you can cancel with no hassle or hidden fees.
Time consuming, Redundancy, Manual work and Stress. However, Prazo has addressed this by maintaining everything at one place.
G management platform, which includes owner interface and guest interface.
Owner interface capability includes availability check, guest management, payment management and reports.
Guest interface capability includes option to check profile and update, check receipts (monthly and advance), raise a complaint, write a review, check announcements and payment interface.

Let us Guide the way

Learn the key steps to building a customized best-in-class PG management solution.